Monday 16 June 2008

Babyshambles - Dohertys Concerns Over Money-management Issues

BABYSHAMBLES frontman PETE DOHERTY is unhappy with the way the band's finances are managed, insisting the rockers are not as wealthy as they're made out to be.

Doherty claims the group's management is to blame for their lack of money, and he plans to look over their financial arrangements to see where they're going wrong.

He tells, "We've got a few concerns at the moment over issues with management, where the money has been going (and) distribution of wealth.

"We need to sit down as a band and talk about the future. What's happening and why, when and who with. Two years of arseing about, we could actually make money out of this job.

"I've just realised people are always saying to me 'yeah but you can afford it' and I'm like 'what's making them say that?'"

However, Doherty's concerns came as a shock to his fellow Babyshambles bandmate Drew MCConnell, who responded, "Do we?" when he heard the singer's rant.

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